The Romilly

Pontcanna, Cardiff, CF11 9NQ, UK

Pub quizzes take place at The Romilly, Pontcanna on Sundays (weekly) at 20:45. Entry is £1.00, there is no limit to team size. There are prizes of cash. Happy quizzing!

The Romilly
Pub: The Romilly
Pub Quiz Notes:

  • Quiz held in the lounge every Sunday.
  • Arrive for around 8:30pm.
  • There is a warm and friendly atmosphere.
  • If you're looking for an easy quiz then this may not be for you.
  • Quiz prepared by the quiz master himself.
  • Interesting snowball question raffle where the winner who gets the correct answer wins £100, those who don't still get £5.
  • Tell Us More About This Quiz!

    Remember to check the quiz is running on the night you are planning to go!
Globe Pontcanna, Cardiff, UK
Post CF11 9NQ
Phone 02920 256345
Calendar Sunday, Weekly @ 20:45
Entry Fee £1.00
Cash Jackpot £20
Other Prizes Cash
Max Number Of People No Team Size Limit
Verified? Verified: By E-Mail

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There are 2 comments about this quiz.

Yes, shame its not available anymore, good quiz
- Kevin (Sep 8th 2024 - 3:00pm)

Always enjoyed your quiz pages - I’m struggling to access them now - has something changed on the website ?
- Ian Soulsby (Sep 3rd 2024 - 10:38am)

